USB MeterBus Adapter

SKU: UMC-1 Category:


The UMC-1 USB MeterBus Adapter converts the Morningstar MeterBus RJ-11 electrical interface to a standard USB 2.0 interface which allows communication between a PC and applicable Morningstar charge controllers or inverters *. The UMC-1 is required for programming custom charging set-points and logging data using Morningstar’s MSView PC software. The UMC-1 is also required for communication with any 3rd party hardware that supports MODBUS(TM) communication.

* Morningstar USB MeterBus Adapter controllers or inverters that only have a MeterBus connection, i.e. no serial or other communications port. This includes the Sunsaver MPPT, SunSaver DUO, and Suresine products.


Brand Morning Star
Weight 0.2


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